....A fruit link..
...and an animal link...
Myxomatosis Rabbit
Myxomatosis is a disease that rabbits get that kind of rots them from the inside out, a bit gruesome.
We propose to create a space that represents the idea of how someone appearance is not necessarily their identity. The divorce between body and soul, and to what extent these two inter-link.This space will have a contrasting inside and outside, which will be divided by flats. Both spaces will be set up to represent the outer body image and the inside identity of a person.
dis·o·ri·en·ta·tion (ds-ôr-n-tshn)
1. Loss of one's sense of direction, position, or relationship with one's surroundings.
2. A temporary or permanent state of confusion regarding place, time, or personal identity.
"Dr Pfulg uses the golden ration 0.618 – a proportion found in great works of art, from the Pyramids to the Mona Lisa – which supposedly signifies physical harmony. In the human body, for example, divide the distance from the head to the navel by the distance from the navel to the base of the feet – the closer you are to 0.618, the hotter you are.(Pg. 126. Glamour Magazine. Oct 2007.)
Our eyes are particularly seduced by proportions that respect this magical number; according to tests, babies appear to prefer features judged handsome by adults. Forget about pining for a perfect size 10 or scary size zero; 0.618 is the number we should be aiming for. To find out if you have the perfect
features, divide your face into three segments:from top of forehead to the eyebrows,from the eyebrows to the base of the nose and from there to the top of the chin.
proportioned measure.
In a perfect face all segments are of equal length. For the perfect height must be equal to the distance
nose, the width at nostril separating one eye from the other. If your eyes are ideally positioned the distance between them should be equal to the width of one eye. The equation a/b=b/a+b should give you the golden number of 0.6198.This is a 15th-century formula that we’ve simplified to marks out of 10 – and if you’re not cross-eyed by the end of that, consider yourself a genius."